
Wrist Tendonitis is a common occupational and sports injury that occurs due to overuse of the wrist. Sportspersons, machine handlers, carpenters, painters, working at computer and construction workers are often at risk because they use their hands and wrists extensively. It affects the tendons in the wrist and leads to swelling and inflammation. Tendons are thick bands of tissues that connect the muscles to bones and with every contraction and relaxation of muscles, the tendons move. To offer a low friction and smooth movement, the tendons have sheaths in between them. Due to excessive repetition and high force, the sheaths become inflamed and restrict the gliding movement, which further causes pain and stiffness.


  • Overuse of the wrist
  • Falling on an outstretched hand
  • Repetitive gripping of hand
  • Repeatedly using vibrating equipment
  • Aging Forceful movement
  • Straining wrist with increased activity level
  • Arthritis, diabetes and other infections


  • Pain that extends to hand and arm
  • Lack of smoothness in muscles
  • Tenderness and numbness
  • Swelling in the wrist
  • Stiffness
  • Inflammation in the wrist and surrounding areas


A doctor thoroughly examines the wrist and diagnoses the reasons of wrist tendonitis. If required, he may also recommend an X-ray, MRI, Ultrasound, or CT scan to access the severity of the condition. Treatment Wrist Tendonitis can be treated by physiotherapy and the patient is advised to take rest and discontinue any activity that increases pain until all symptoms disappear. The activities that need to be avoided include gripping activities, carrying and lifting. By taking proper rest, the patient promotes healing and by ignoring the symptoms the problem may aggravate.

If the condition becomes chronic, the healing slows down and one should immediately consult a hand surgeon. In the initial stage resting, regular icing, using compression bandages and keeping the arm elevated greatly helps. Doctors can also prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce swelling and to speed up healing. The patients can be advised to do specific flexibility and strengthening exercises to enhance healing and rehabilitation.

In some severe cases, surgery can be required. During surgery, the surgeon releases the tendon sheath to facilitate the tendon movement and thus resolves the issue. They even remove inflammatory tissue, which further creates more space for the tendon to move freely.

Visit the hand and wrist surgeons at OrthoTexas, Frisco TX for complete diagnosis and treatment of Wrist Tendonitis. They can be located at 5757 Warren Pkwy, Suite 180, Frisco, TX 75034. You can also call at (214) 618-5502 to request an appointment.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!