
Running is one of the best exercises and is among the fastest ways to burn calories, release stress, aid muscular development, and improve cardiac health. By including running into your daily life you will be healthier, happier, and fitter. That being said, it is sensible to understand the possible injuries and their cure before you take up running as an avid habit. Here are some of the most common injuries associated with running that can be treated with the help of physical therapy.

Piriformis Syndrome

There is a muscle known as the Piriformis which monitors the movement of the hip during strenuous activities such as running. If you don’t warm up before an intense running session or any kind of physically intensive activity, it may be irritated.

PFSS (Patellofemoral Stress Syndrome)

PFSS is pain in the back of the knee cap caused due to muscle tension in the Ilotibial band. It may even be a result of weak leg muscles.


There are these small sacs filled with synovial fluid in the body, known as bursitis which may swell up during or after running. This primarily applies to the bursitis present in the hip and the knees, especially in case of runners. Redness in these body parts are also an indication of bursitis.

ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome)

Between the outer pelvic and the lateral knee, there is a dense mass of tissue known as the Iliotibial band. A certain amount of friction in this band while running can lead to this condition. If you feel a stinging sensation or thickness in the tissue, it may be warning signs of ITBS and you should get it looked into.

MTSS (Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome)

More commonly known as Shin splits, they refer to the pain on the inside of the Anterior Tibialis Tendon. Intense muscle activity can cause inflammation, which may also be caused by physical activity performed on hard surfaces such as concrete a hard-surfaced ground.


Probably the most heard of condition on the list, blisters are sacs of fluids that occur due to excessive friction between the feet and shoes or feet and socks while running. A physical therapist will examine, massage and possibly adjust the injured foot. He may use resistance bands, foam rollers, stability balls and other such aids to cure you. You should consult only immediately if you sense any of the above injuries.

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