
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, also referred to as Runner’s Knee, is a medical condition seen in athletes who indulge in sports that involve excessive bending and flexing of the knee joint. It causes pain in the knee cap or patella due to several reasons. The condition is caused due to stress on the patella (kneecap) where it slides through a shallow groove in the femur (thighbone).


  • Direct fall or hit on the knee
  • Inherent problems in alignment of the knee bones Muscular instability or weakness (legs and thighs) Overuse of the joint by athletes who practice excessive lunging, bending and flexing of the knee
  • Defects in the foot anatomy such as overpronation, fallen arches or hypermobile feet can result in injuries to the kneecap. Such defects do not allow even distribution of stress and weight on the knee joint
  • Sudden increase in the intensity of exercise
  • Being overweight Thickening or inflammation of the joint lining
  • Arthritis
  • Kneecap Dislocation
  • Inadequate warm up before an activity
  • Wearing shoes that do not provide adequate support
  • Improper posture while running or exercising


  • Pain in the kneecap
  • Popping or grinding sensation when the knee is moved
  • Pain may get aggravated with squatting, running, kneeling or running
  • Difficulty in walking uphill or climbing stairs
  • Tenderness and swelling around the knee cap
  • Discomfort may increase after physical activity


  • Physical examination of the joint by the doctor
  • X-ray imaging to check for bone damage
  • MRI and CT scans may help to diagnose soft tissue damages
  • Blood tests may be suggested
  • Evaluation of the patient’s medical history


  • Rest the injured knee as much as possible
  • Weight bearing should be avoided
  • Ice packs may be applied at regular intervals for 2-3 days to curb swelling
  • Patellar straps and elastic bandage may be used to compress the knee
  • Keep the knee elevated while resting
  • Prescription of pain killers and anti-inflammatory medicines
  • Exercises that strengthen the quadriceps muscles should be performed
  • Orthotic supports such as customized foot arches may be used in case of
  • Flat Feet Surgical correction of the misaligned knee cap
  • Surgical removal of damaged cartilage or tissues
  • Use of knee brace post-treatment to provide support to the joint

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!