
Physical therapy can help in the attainment of rehabilitative goals in patients with orthopedic conditions. These goals vary from patient to patient, with some patients wanting to return to recreational or competitive sports, and others simply wanting to regain their independence in daily activities. No matter what your rehabilitative goals are, the physical therapists at OrthoTexas can help to attain your individual rehabilitative goals through the highest quality physical therapy services.

  • We strive to tailor our orthopedic physical therapy services to the individual goals of our patients.
  • We balance manual treatment conditions with patient education and active participation to maximize recovery.
  • We believe that one-on-one therapy is an important aspect of continued care for orthopedic conditions.

Our physical therapy starts with a detailed evaluation of the individual condition of the patient, and their rehabilitative goals, based on which we work with the patient to design a physical therapy regimen customized to their goals. Our physical therapists are trained to diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, and provide post-operative rehabilitation. The areas of specialization include fractures, acute sports injuries, foot and ankle pain, arthritis, sprains, strains, amputations, spinal injuries, and back and neck pain.

Physical therapists generally adopt a variety of rehabilitative techniques, including joint and spine mobilization, electrical muscle stimulation, and neuromuscular reeducation to expedite recovery from orthopedic and musculoskeletal disorders. Orthopedic manual physical therapy is a key specialization available at OrthoTexas, which involves techniques like muscle stretching and passive movements of the affected body part. This helps to improve muscle activation and timing, resulting in improved mobility and function.

We also provide physical therapy programs specifically designed to meet the needs of athletes, including evaluation with a focus on biomechanical assessment. This is vital to identify precipitating and predisposing factors that are then used in the effective reviewing of physical therapy strategies.

To have yourself professionally assessed for physical therapy, and to see how physical therapy can work for you, schedule an appointment with the physical therapists at OrthoTexas.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!