
Sports injuries are usually the most serious form of impact injuries and could have long-term effects on the athlete’s body. While some of these injuries resolve on their own with rest and over the counter medications, others could be chronic, and require the intervention of orthopedic physicians.

OrthoTexas provides state-of-the-art orthopedic treatment centered around sports injuries. The major components of any orthopedic treatment for sports injuries include- extremity orthopedics, sports medicine, manual therapy, spine treatment, pre-surgery counseling, and post-surgery care. It helps to ensure that the orthopedic doctor you are consulting has previous experience in treating professional athletes.

Orthopedic treatment for sports injuries includes procedures like “Custom Splinting.” Also known as hand therapy, this procedure focuses on conditions affecting the upper extremities. The most common of these in athletes or active people are repetitive motion disorders, crushing injuries, fractures, and soft tissue traumas.

Another commonly performed procedure is “Concussion Management.” This starts with a post-concussion test to measure awareness and cognitive ability, followed by an assessment of postural stability and balance. Various forms of therapy and occupational support are then provided based on the results of these tests. Physical therapy is provided to patients who have incurred any type of injury such as knees, hips, shoulders, foot, ankle, etc. These orthopedic treatments are best performed by a team including the patient, a therapist, and the referring physician. The objective of orthopedic treatment for sports injuries is to restore normal function by decreasing pain and increasing strength.

The exercises mainly include range-of-motion exercises, stretching, and strengthening exercises. All these exercises must initially be performed under the supervision of a certified physical therapist to prevent further damage to the affected part. In some cases, it might be necessary to supplement physical therapy with medication and even surgery. The focus of the treatment is to completely rehabilitate the patient, and gradually transfer the activities of his personalized program from the clinic to his home or recreational environment.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!