
Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction or Sacroiliitis is a painful condition that is often the major cause of lower back pain. It mainly results due to inflammation of a Sacroiliac joint, which connects the pelvis to the spine. Each side of the spine has a Sacroiliac joint that transfers weight from the spine to the pelvis. Any compressive or stretching force on the joint can cause injury to it and the surrounding ligaments. This injury to the joint is called Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction.


  • Degenerative Arthritis, Gout, Spondylitis and Psoriasis Pregnancy
  • Pain in ankle, knee, hip or foot
  • Excessive forces on Sacroiliac Joint, which may result from lifting, sitting, bending, arching or twisting of the spine
  • Weight bearing forces linked to jumping or running
  • Repeated actions
  • Any trauma
  • Direct fall on the buttocks
  • Blow to the side of pelvis or any accident
  • Any abnormality of the sacrum bone


The most common symptoms of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction include:

  • Low back pain
  • Pain that radiates from the lower back down to the leg
  • Hip pain
  • Difficulty in sitting for long
  • Tenderness
  •  Muscle tightness
  •  Joint stiffness
  • Pain during climbing stairs, rolling on the bed and running


The orthopedic surgeon will enquire about your medical history and conduct a physical examination to confirm Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Some tests may be recommended, which may include distraction, compression tests along with CT scans, and MRI. X-ray test results can also assist in diagnosing the problem.


  • The condition is often treated using non-surgical methods; however, in rare cases, surgery may be required.
  • The orthopedic doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines to treat the pain and inflammation.
  • The patient can also be advised to limit activity and take rest.
  • The sacroiliac belt can also help the patient as it keeps the joint in position and reduces pain.
  • Physiotherapy also helps in improving strength and muscle controls.
  • The condition is treated surgically in extreme cases where conservative methods are ineffective and fail to get the desired result.

During surgery the orthopedic surgeon corrects the problem by holding the bones together with plates and screws, until the bones fuse together. The rehabilitation program usually begins after six weeks of surgery. Your doctor may advise you use ice or heat, ultrasound, massage and electrical stimulation to keep the muscles calm. It is essential that you follow after care instructions to ensure quick recovery from the surgery.

The orthopedic doctors at OrthoTexas, provide complete diagnosis and treatment for Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction and various other joint conditions. To schedule an appointment, call at(214) 618-5502.

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