
The neck is a flexible joint that supports the weight of the head. It undergoes a lot of movement and is therefore prone to stress and injuries. Cervical or neck pain is a common problem affecting the people irrespective of gender or age. It is generally not a symptom or indication of a serious underlying disorder.


  • Maintaining a poor posture, hunching or slouching while sitting are common contributing factors
  • Sitting and working on the computer for too long or using the mobile phone continuously
  • Osteoarthritis- loss of cushioning between the neck joints due to ageing
  • Vehicular accident may cause a shock to the cervical region of the spine (Whiplash injuries)
  • A fall from a height
  • Sea divers are at a risk of developing cervical pain
  • Habit of gritting the teeth can strain the neck muscles
  • Reading while lying down in bed
  • Compression of nerves due to Herniated Discs or Bone Spurs
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis, Meningitis


  • Numbness
  • Pain which can be mild or severe that shoots down the arms and shoulders
  • Tenderness in the affected area
  • Weakness or loss of strength in the upper extremities
  • Tightness in the neck and shoulder muscles
  • Muscle spasms
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Reduced flexibility of the neck
  • Pricks or tingling sensation in the neck and upper parts of the body
  • Coughing or sneezing may cause pain


  • Details of the medical history of the patient may be taken down
  • The doctor may palpate to check for tenderness, muscle weakness and loss of movement
  • X-ray imaging may be required to check for structural changes in the spine
  • MRI scan may be helpful in taking images of the soft tissues and bone structure
  • CT scan may present a detailed three dimensional picture of the spine
  • Blood tests to check for spinal infections or inflammation
  • Electromyography – nerve test that is conducted by inserting needles through the skin of the neck


  • The physician may prescribe painkillers and muscle relaxants
  • Physical therapy sessions may help to align the cervical vertebrae and strengthen the neck muscles as well as soft tissues
  • Application of heat pads or ice packs may reduce inflammation and pain
  • Electrical stimulation may help to ease the pain and promote nerve functioning
  • Manual traction using weights and pulleys to increase intervertebral spaces in the cervical
  • Use of a soft neck collar for a short duration for support
  • The doctor may inject steroids into the affected part
  • Nerve compression may be released through surgery
  • Gentle exercises may be performed to keep the joints in good health

For complete treatment of Cervical Pain, visit the spine specialists at OrthoTexas. We offer surgical and non-surgical treatment to provide relief from pain.  If you would like to see a doctor to evaluate neck pain, it’s easy to schedule online.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!