
Orthopedic rehabilitation is a comprehensive physical therapy program aimed at restoring normal functionality in patients with orthopedic disorders like knee fractures, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, pelvic fractures, amputations, joint replacements, hip fractures, multiple trauma, etc. The orthopedic rehabilitation program at OrthoTexas is customized to meet the individual needs of the patients, and involves active involvement and coordination with the family members of the patient. The orthopedic rehabilitation team typically consists of a physician, a physical therapist, a nurse, a case manager, and an occupational therapist. Based on individual needs, psychologists, dieticians, speech therapists, and other health professionals might also be a part of the team. The major goals of an orthopedic rehabilitation program are:

  • Establishing rehabilitation goals based on the patient’s physical capacity. Patient factors such as age, diabetes, high blood pressure, history of stroke, cardiac disease, etc. are taken into account while designing individual programs. Addressing current needs for rehabilitation
  • The principal goal remains to restore a level of independence as close to what the patient previously had. This includes improved strength, improved flexibility, extended range of motion, unassisted walking, pain management, and self-care training. Laying out a plan for lifelong continuing care options.
  • The orthopedic rehab at OrthoTexas lays special emphasis on post-program follow up. We understand that demonstrating improved physical function does not mark an end to the rehabilitation needs of patient candidates with special needs such as advanced age patients or patients with long-term disability. Continued access to rehabilitation professionals is critical to maintained function in these patients. A typical therapy session at the orthopedic rehab lasts for around an hour. This includes stretching, range of motion exercises, strength-building, and one-on-one counseling sessions with the patients. The physical therapy included in the orthopedic rehabilitation program is usually not painful. However, in some cases, the process might be painful initially, with the pain decreasing as the rehabilitation sessions progress.
  • Counseling is a key aspect of the rehabilitation program, as it helps the patient to better understand his condition and the nature of therapy being offered, as well as to build a healthy relationship with his therapist.
  • Educating the patient on self-management care to be administered at home after the sessions is also a key component of the rehab program. This helps in maintaining the level of physical fitness achieved, and in preventing any setbacks or further injuries.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!