
The Hip Labral Tear affects the cartilage ring that surrounds the outer ring of the hip joint. This ring is called labrum and it acts as a gasket to hold the ball of the thigh bone within the hip joint socket. The labrum helps to stabilize the hip joint besides protecting the joint surface. A labrum tear can result from an injury or due to inherent structural abnormalities. Most of the patients recover within a few weeks of conservative treatment but in case of a complete labral tear, surgery may be required. A Hip Labral Tear can weaken the joint, put stress on the constituent bones and can lead to Osteoarthritis in the future.


  • Sports injury incurred by athletes who participate in ice hockey, golf, ballet and soccer
  • Abnormalities in the structure of the hip joint may cause the weakening of the joint
  • Dislocation in the hip joint can lead to wear and tear of the labrum
  • Activities that involve repetitive twisting and pivoting of the hip joint can stress the labrum causing a tear
  • The labrum can also get torn if the patient is suffering from Osteoarthritis of hip


The Hip Labral Tear generally does not have any apparent symptoms but one or more the following signs may occur:

  • Pain in the groin, pelvic or hip joint area
  • The hip joint may have restricted movement due to stiffness
  • A snapping, clicking or locking sensation in the hip joint
  • Radiating pain on the side or at the back of the hip


  • The orthopedic doctor may conduct a detailed analysis of the activities that cause pain, dietary habits, medical history of the patient and his family, besides the details of the symptoms experienced.
  • Physical examination of the affected joint by moving the hip and legs in various directions to observe the patient’s gait
  • X-ray imaging to analyze extent of damage to the bone structure
  • MRI scan may be recommended to evaluate the condition of the soft tissues and ligaments


  • Physical therapy may be recommended for stability and strengthening of the hip joint
  • Prescription of anti-inflammatory pain killers for relief
  • Arthroscopic surgery may be performed in case of labral tear using fiber optic cameras and specific tools to repair the torn part

We, at OrthoTexas, provide effective treatment for Hip Labral Tear.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!