
Distal Radius Fracture is a painful medical condition in which the radius near the wrist breaks. Radius is basically the largest bone of the forearm that controls the movement of arm and provides support to the muscles in the arm. Some of the common Distal Radius Fractures include:

  • Colles Fracture
  • Open Fracture
  • Comminuted Fracture
  • Intra-Articular Fracture
  • Extra-Articular Fracture

Read on to know the causes, symptoms and treatment options for Distal Radius Fractures.

Causes – Given below are a few common causes and risk factors of Distal Radius Fractures:

  • According to the hand and wrist pain doctors at OrthoTexas, Frisco, falling onto the outstretched arm can lead to this fracture.
  • It has been medically proven that a direct blow to the wrist can also cause the radius bone to break.
  • Some researches reveal that people with osteoporosis are more prone to these fractures.
  • People above 60 years of age are more susceptible to Distal Radius Fractures.
  • Other factors that may increase the risk of distal radius fractures include poor nutrition, post-menopause, decreased muscle mass, etc.

Symptoms – Listed below are the common early and late symptoms of Distal Radius Fractures:

  • Immediate pain in the affected wrist
  • Tenderness around the wrist
  • Bruising and swelling around the area
  • Numbness in the wrist
  • Skin discoloration
  • Inability to move the wrist

Diagnosis: it is important that you immediately consult an orthopedic doctor if the aforementioned symptoms are noticed. The doctors will then perform physical examination tests and run imaging tests like MRI and X-Ray scan to determine the severity of the condition.

Treatment: If left untreated, the Distal Radius Fractures may have major consequences. Some of the common treatment options for Distal Radius Fractures include:

Splint and cast: A wrist plaster splint or cast may be applied and molded by the doctor to provide stability to the affected wrist.

Reduction process: During this process, the doctors re-align the broken bone fragments and then mold the plaster on the wrist.

Surgical procedure: Surgery may be recommended by the doctors in severe cases of distal radius fractures. During the surgery, cast, metal pins, plate, screws or external fixator may be used by the doctors to hold the bone in position.

Post-surgery: Use of cast or splint may be recommended after the surgery. You may also be referred to a physical therapist to help you with rehabilitation.

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