Thumb Arthritis – A Common Problem

Thumb Arthritis – A Common Problem

Thumb arthritis, or basal joint arthritis, is a form of osteoarthritis that occurs in the thumb joint. It occurs at the base of the thumb, where the thumb meets the wrist. It is common, especially in people over the age of 50. In fact, 25% to 33% of people over 50 are...
Jammed Finger: Orthopedic Treatment

Jammed Finger: Orthopedic Treatment

A Jammed Finger is a medical condition that affects the PIP (proximal interphalangeal) joint. The PIP joint is a type of hinge joint that allows the finger to move. In this condition, the tendon that straightens the fingertip is either stressed or broken. It is a type...
Arthritis Of The Thumb: Orthopedic Treatment

Arthritis Of The Thumb: Orthopedic Treatment

Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder affecting the various joints in the body. Of the nearly hundred types of Arthritis, the most prevalent are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. The former is an autoimmune disorder and the joints usually affected are those of...
Basal Joint Arthritis

Basal Joint Arthritis

The joints in the human body have a thin layer of cartilage lining between the bones, for their smooth and frictionless movement. Basal Joint Arthritis refers to a condition in which the cartilage in the thumb joint (at the base of the thumb) degenerates, causing the...

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