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Shoulder Trauma: Orthopedic Treatment

Shoulder Trauma: Orthopedic Treatment

  Shoulder trauma or injuries are a very common occurrence that can occur due to an accident or sudden fall. The shoulder comprises of three bones, namely: scapula, clavicle or humerus. A number of ligaments, tendons and muscles join these bones together. A shoulder trauma can affect any of these structures and lead to immense pain and discomfort. There are various types of shoulder injuries such as fractures, dislocations and soft tissue injuries. Shoulder trauma can cause immense difficulty in moving the arm properly. Causes  Strong blow from a fall or road accident...

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Lisfranc (Midfoot) Fracture: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Lisfranc (Midfoot) Fracture: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Lisfranc (midfoot) injuries occur when the bones in the midfoot are fractured or the supporting ligaments get stretched beyond their capability. A Lisfranc (midfoot) fracture can range from mild to severe depending on the number of bones and joints affected. Any midfoot injury can cause problems in walking as the midfoot helps in providing stability to the arch and maintain the walking gait. The midfoot joint complex comprises of small bones that create an arch on the top of the foot. This joint complex is also known as the Lisfranc joint after the French surgeon Jacques...

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Treatment For Psoriatic Arthritis

Treatment For Psoriatic Arthritis

People who have psoriasis - development of red patches on the skin with a silvery scaly appearance - may also develop arthritis. The combination of these two conditions is referred to as Psoriatic Arthritis. The joint inflammation may develop before the skin is affected, but the presence of Arthritis may be detected much later than Psoriasis. Psoriatic Arthritis may affect any part of the body such as the hands, fingertips, spine, or legs. The condition is a progressive disorder as it tends to flare up at certain times and eventually subside. Although there is no permanent...

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Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: Treatment

Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: Treatment

Isthmic Spondylolisthesis is caused when one vertebra slips over the one below because of a fracture (Spondylolysis), elongation or other defect of a small bone (pars interarticularis – or isthmus) that connects the upper and lower facet joints. The isthmus has poor blood supply and is highly prone to stress fractures. The fracture may occur due to repeated, cumulative stress rather than trauma. It usually involves the lowest level of the lumbar spine (L5-S1 segment). The condition does not usually cause any noticeable instability because of the large sacral ligament which...

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Jammed Finger: Orthopedic Treatment

Jammed Finger: Orthopedic Treatment

A Jammed Finger is a medical condition that affects the PIP (proximal interphalangeal) joint. The PIP joint is a type of hinge joint that allows the finger to move. In this condition, the tendon that straightens the fingertip is either stressed or broken. It is a type of sprain that occurs in the finger joints or knuckles. In such injuries, there are chances of a piece of bone being broken or detached from the joint along with the tendon. The condition can be treated through non-surgical methods but it takes 6-8 weeks to heal. Wrong diagnosis or delay in treatment may result...

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