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What is a Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Specialist?
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physicians, also known as physiatrists, treat a wide variety of disabling medical conditions non-surgically. Most orthopedist are surgeons. If an individual has a condition requiring surgery, then they should consult with an orthopedist.
Lymphatic Drainage as a Treatment to Reduce Post-Operative Swelling
It is normal to have a moderate amount of swelling after surgery. However, techniques such as elevation, compression, and the right balance of motion can reduce painful swelling. Over the course of the following year, the swelling will decrease but can be present for a minimum of 6 months. This is due to the 4 phases of healing that spans from day 1 after surgery up to 1-2 years. How do you know if the swelling you have is a normal amount or excessive and limiting your ability to receive benefit from Physical Therapy? The following are signs and symptoms of excess swelling:...
Injury Prevention in Young Athletes
As youth participation in sports continues to increase, so has the number of sports-related injuries. The obligation of injury prevention is the responsibility of the parents and the coaches. If the proper caution is taken, a significant number of injuries can be prevented each season. However, if injuries do occur, it is important to seek medical attention from a physician that specializes in sports medicine and never allows a young athlete to “work through the pain”. If left untreated, injuries can cause permanent damage and may interfere with proper physical growth. Young...
3D Printed Titanium Cages: Q & A with Dr. Keith Heier, M.D. – Orthopedic Surgeon
How Long Has 3D Printing Been Used by Orthopedic Surgeons? 3D printing technology has been available for over 30 years, but has only been used by orthopedic surgeons for the past 8-10 years. How Long Have You Used Them in Your Practice? I have used 3D printed titanium implants in my practice for 4 years. What is The Difference Between a Custom Made and Off The Shelf Titanium Cage? Off-the-shelf titanium cages refer to pre-manufactured 3D printed cages where the patient does not need any type of imaging to create them. Custom-made titanium cages require the patient to have a...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Orthopedic Treatment
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is an orthopedic condition characterized by numbness or a tingling sensation in the hand and arm. This happens when the median nerve gets compressed or squeezed. The median nerve is one of the main nerves in the hand passing through the carpal tunnel at the wrist. This syndrome occurs when the tunnel gets narrowed or the synovium tissues surrounding the flexor tendons start swelling. Causes:One of the major causes of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is excessive pressure on the median nerve. This pressure may occur due to swelling or any other condition that makes...