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Orthopedic Treatment For Collarbone Fracture

Orthopedic Treatment For Collarbone Fracture

One of the most important bones of the body is the collar bone and its function is to secure our arms to our bodies by connecting the shoulder blade or scapula to the breastbone or sternum. Most of the strength and range of motion, which all of us expect from our shoulder joint, is possible largely due to the collar bone. Even a simple activity like raising the hands involves the use of the collar bone. Needless to say, any kind of injury to the collar bone can potentially take away a lot of strength and stability from your shoulder joint and remarkably reduce its range of...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Low Back Pain

Orthopedic Treatment For Low Back Pain

The lower back region of the human body is a complex network of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, nerves, spinal discs and joints that can often be vulnerable to a number of different conditions which can result in low back pain. Typically, low back pain is a sign or symptom of a wide range of possible conditions that can be as simple as a strain or sprain or as serious and complicated as degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis. Due to the large number of possibilities, low back pain is usually treated according to the symptoms manifested and can be open to a number...

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Wrist Tendonitis Treatment: Orthopedic Frisco TX

Wrist Tendonitis Treatment: Orthopedic Frisco TX

Wrist Tendonitis is a common occupational and sports injury that occurs due to overuse of the wrist. Sportspersons, machine handlers, carpenters, painters, working at computer and construction workers are often at risk because they use their hands and wrists extensively. It affects the tendons in the wrist and leads to swelling and inflammation. Tendons are thick bands of tissues that connect the muscles to bones and with every contraction and relaxation of muscles, the tendons move. To offer a low friction and smooth movement, the tendons have sheaths in between them. Due to...

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Neck Sprain: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Neck Sprain: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

A neck sprain is the tearing of ligaments in the neck due to repeated or a sudden “beyond the range” neck motion which forces the ligaments to stretch excessively and ultimately causing them to tear off. Causes The tendons and ligaments are thick bands of tissues that connect bones, and any injury, jerk, or trauma to the neck leads to the tearing and damage of these ligaments. Car accidents, amusement rides, and the impact of any object can cause the neck to move backward and forward beyond its capacity and this causes a sprain. Sporting events that involve high impact,...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Spondylolisthesis

Orthopedic Treatment For Spondylolisthesis

Among the many kinds of spinal conditions that affect people, one of the most serious is Spondylolisthesis which is a condition where one vertebra of the human body gets displaced and pushes up against another adjacent vertebra. Ideally, the arrangement of vertebrae in the spine resembles a neat stack but for people affected with spondylolisthesis, one particular vertebra slips and shift from its normal position and pushes up against the one directly below it, causing an abnormality. The symptoms are many and treatment is also a slow process. Causes Degenerative...

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Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!