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Femur Shaft Fractures: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Femur Shaft Fractures: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Femur, the thighbone, is the strongest and longest bone in the human body. The straight part of the femur is called femur shaft and any fracture in this shaft is known as femoral shaft fracture. Femur is a strong bone and it requires a lot of pressure to displace this bone. Only a high impact collision or accident can cause fracture. Types of Femur Shaft Fractures Depending upon the force and the cause of fracture, the femur shaft fracture may be of different types. The femur fractures are classified on the basis of the location of the fracture, pattern of the fracture, and...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Kneecap Dislocation

Orthopedic Treatment For Kneecap Dislocation

Kneecap or Patellar dislocation is a common injury occurring to athletes and is caused due to a sudden change in direction or a twist in the leg. Kneecap is the triangle or round shaped bone in the anterior part of the knee that slides over a joint whenever you try to straighten or bend your knee. A dislocation involves the dislocation or coming out of the bone from the groove which results in overstretching or tearing of the supporting tissues. Causes Kneecap dislocation can occur in both contact and non-contact situations. The major cause of this condition in athletes is a...

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Running Injuries That Require Physical Therapy

Running Injuries That Require Physical Therapy

Running is one of the best exercises and is among the fastest ways to burn calories, release stress, aid muscular development, and improve cardiac health. By including running into your daily life you will be healthier, happier, and fitter. That being said, it is sensible to understand the possible injuries and their cure before you take up running as an avid habit. Here are some of the most common injuries associated with running that can be treated with the help of physical therapy. Piriformis Syndrome There is a muscle known as the Piriformis which monitors the movement of...

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Morton’s Neuroma – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Morton’s Neuroma – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Morton’s Neuroma is an orthopedic condition that causes a sharp and burning pain in the ball of the foot, usually between the third and fourth toe. The person suffering from the problem may feel as if he is standing on a pleated sock or grit in his shoe and the toe may itch, and feel numb. Causes Although the exact cause of Morton’s Neuroma is not known there are a number of reasons that are believed to aggravate it. Footwear: Wearing very tight shoes can worsen the pain caused due to Morton’s Neuroma. Shoes with high heels, pointed shoes, or tight toe shoes can compress the...

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Tips To Prevent Low Back Pain

Tips To Prevent Low Back Pain

Back pain is a common issue and can occur to anyone regardless of their age or sex. Any trauma or fall can lead to backache which can worsen if not treated well. Here are some tips that will help you prevent low back pain and increase your back strength. Avoid exerting and spraining your back: Often due to sudden lifting or pulling the back gets sprained and it is quite a painful condition. Therefore, to avoid spraining your back you should refrain from lifting anything heavy without any support. You should always slow down and do the tasks at a normal pace rather than hushing...

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