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Shoulder Pain: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Shoulder Pain: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The shoulder is the most versatile joint of the human body and it helps in the forward and backward movement of the arm. Shoulder joint provides mobility, however it is highly susceptible to injuries. Any tear, inflammation, fracture or dislocation in any of the shoulder bones, ligaments, tissues and tendons can result in pain in the joint. Causes Shoulder Arthritis Poor Posture Bursitis Bone Spurs Shoulder Dislocation Shoulder Separation Collarbone Fracture Overuse Of Shoulder Muscles Rotator Cuff Tears Pinched Nerve Frozen Shoulder Unstable Shoulder Joint Whiplash Tendinitis...

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Back Pain: Orthopedic Treatment

Back Pain: Orthopedic Treatment

Back pain is a common condition that affects most people due to various reasons. It can be triggered due to a number of reasons and may last for a few weeks to several months. In some cases, back pain may also be a symptom of an underlying orthopedic condition such as Herniated Disc, Sciatica, Osteoporosis, Whiplash, Frozen Shoulder, Arthritis, spinal infections, and vertebral fractures. Causes Strains or Sprains: The ligaments and muscles in the back may get strained due to bending in an awkward position or repetitively lifting heavyweights. Poor health and fitness level can...

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Graston Technique at OrthoTexas

Graston Technique at OrthoTexas

Graston Technique is a manual soft-tissue technique invented by David Graston, an athlete. This technique is a soft tissue mobilization, instrument assisted, therapy, which is based on cross-friction massage. The technique helps in breaking up scar tissue adhesions, fascial restrictions, and detecting areas of fibrosis and chronic inflammation. Athletes often use massage style therapy when they fail to recover from an injury. What instruments are used? Physical therapists use stainless steel tools to diagnose and treat various conditions. They glide the instrument over the...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Achilles Tendinitis

Orthopedic Treatment For Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendon is a tissue connecting the heel bone to the calf muscles at the exterior of the lower leg. It is used while walking, running, or jumping. Constant and rigorous physical activity can cause overuse injuries and degeneration of the tissue, a condition known as Achilles Tendinitis. Although it is mostly seen in runners, the condition is also common in middle-aged people who are involved in sports like basketball or tennis. Depending upon the damaged part of the tendon, Achilles Tendinitis can be classified as: Non-insertional Achilles Tendinitis: In this, the...

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Tennis Elbow: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Tennis Elbow: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Tennis Elbow is a common orthopedic condition caused as a result of overuse of hand, arm and forearm muscles. In clinical terms, it is referred to as Lateral Epicondylitis and is most commonly seen in people who play tennis or other racquet sports. The condition causes inflammation in the forearm muscles at the exterior part of the elbow. Due to the overuse or repetitive movements of the muscles, they are prone to damage and cause intense pain from the elbow down to the wrist. Causes Playing racquet sports Performing repetitive hand or wrist activities Using plumbing tools...

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