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Benefits of Physical Therapy

Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is performed to treat a wide range of orthopedic conditions. It aims at helping patients relieve pain and regain muscle strength so that they can resume their lifestyle. People of all age groups, whether physically active or not, can gain numerous benefits from regular physical therapy sessions. Apart from assisting in recovery from injuries and illnesses, it can also help to enhance overall well-being. Here are some of the health benefits that you can expect from physical therapy: Reduce or eliminate pain: Physical therapy uses various techniques, such as...

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Orthopedic Treatment for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Orthopedic Treatment for Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal Tunnel is a constricted passage between the anklebone and ligaments that stretches across the foot. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition characterized by the compression of posterior tibial nerve in the Tarsal Tunnel. The condition is known as Posterior Tibial Neuralgia and is mainly caused due to repetitive activities that put strain on the ankle. Causes Direct or indirect trauma to the ankle Flat Feet or fallen arches Osteoarthritis Swelling caused due to an ankle sprain Enlarged or abnormal structure in the ankle, such as a bone spur or swollen tendon Repeated...

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Separated Shoulder: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano, TX

Separated Shoulder: Orthopedic Treatment In Plano, TX

A Separated Shoulder, also known as an Acromioclavicular Joint Separation or A/C Separation, is in injury causing damage to the ligaments joining the shoulder blade and collarbone. It is usually a tissue or ligament injury but, in some cases, may also involve a broken bone. It may occur due to a fall or direct hit at the top of the shoulder joint. Depending upon its severity, Shoulder Separation can be classified as: Type 1: A mild sprain or stretching in the ligaments in and around the joint. Type 2: The ligament is completely torn and the collarbone gets partially displaced....

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Calcaneal Fracture: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Calcaneal Fracture: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Calcaneus Fracture is one of the most common fractures of tarsal bone occurring due to a high-energy collision. Calcaneus or heel bone connects the talus and cuboid bones. This connection forms the subtalar joint, which is crucial for normal foot functions such as walking, standing, and running. Any trauma or injury can cause severe Calcaneal Fracture. If the fracture involves the joints, it can bring many long-term consequences such as chronic pain and Arthritis. Causes Falling from a height Automobile accidents Twisting injury Any injuries including ankle sprain Stress...

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Physical Therapy and Evaluations

Physical Therapy and Evaluations

Physical therapy is a branch of rehabilitative medicine aimed at helping people restore or improve their original physical movement and ability. It involves using specifically designed equipment and exercises that assist in treating many orthopedic problems as well as recovering from the effects of an injury or surgery. The ultimate goal of physical therapy is to help people lead a healthy and pain-free life without any discomfort in performing daily activities like walking, climbing chairs, sitting or performing daily chores. OrthoTexas, a renowned group of orthopedic...

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Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!