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Understanding the Many Options for Shoulder Arthritis

Understanding the Many Options for Shoulder Arthritis

Shoulder arthritis is one of the most frequent causes of shoulder pain that we see at OrthoTexas.  Although there are multiple cause of shoulder arthritis, “wear-and-tear” over time is by far the most common reason for shoulder arthritis.  Other causes, include after injury (post-traumatic) or inflammatory (rheumatoid arthritis). Wear-and-tear arthritis is a degenerative process, whereby the cartilage in the shoulder wears away.  Cartilage is the smooth covering at the ends of the bones.  When two or three bones come together, they form a joint.  When that cartilage (at the...

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The Importance of Repairing a Meniscal Root Tear

The Importance of Repairing a Meniscal Root Tear

Meniscal root tears are a common injury. In fact, they account for more than 10% of knee injuries. While they have been around for many years, it is only recently, in the past 5 – 10 years, that it has been recognized as a specific injury and one that is very important to have repaired.

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4 Signs That You May Have A Torn Meniscus

4 Signs That You May Have A Torn Meniscus

The Meniscus is the cartilage that lives in the knee and acts as a cushion between the tibia and femur. It is a C-shaped structure that is located on both the outside and inside of the knee. The meniscus provides 50% of the weight bearing in the joint. If it is torn the femur and tibia start to carry the load, which can lead to joint degeneration and early arthritis, if not addressed.

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How Quickly Do I Need to See the Doctor for a Hand Injury?

How Quickly Do I Need to See the Doctor for a Hand Injury?

When people injure their hand or wrist and are concerned they may have a fracture or other injury, they often seek treatment immediately in the emergency department. Often parents of young children want peace of mind and go to an emergency department to get an x-ray.  Unfortunately, the end result is usually a large bill and instructions to follow-up with an orthopedic surgeon. Unless there is severe pain, deformity, crushed tissue or open wounds, there is no need to rush to an emergency department or urgent care for treatment. Getting the Right Care at the Right Time in...

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Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!