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Elbow Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Elbow Bursitis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Elbow Bursitis or Olecranon Bursitis is a condition caused due to swelling of the bursa, a sac containing a limited amount of fluid that helps in movement of the elbow. The bursa is located between the tissues and the bones. When it gets inflamed, it leads to production of extra fluid making the elbow difficult to move. People involved in activities that require repeated leaning over elbow such as gardening, raking, carpentry, painting etc. are at a higher risk of developing the condition. Causes Prolonged Pressure: Exerting pressure on the tip of the elbow for a long duration...

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Whiplash: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Whiplash: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Whiplash refers to a neck injury caused due a sudden and jerky forward, backward or sideways movement of the head. The excessive force leads to stretching or tearing of the ligaments and tendons in the neck. Although the condition is not usually severe, it can cause long-lasting pain and discomfort to the patient. If the symptoms last for more than six months, it is referred to as Chronic Whiplash or Late Whiplash Syndrome. Causes Rear-end road accidents Physical assault, such as being punched Shaken Baby Syndrome Horse riding Sports-related injuries Direct blow to the head...

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Cervical Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Cervical Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Cervical fracture refers to the breakage of any one or more of the seven vertebrae in the upper back. These vertebrae connect the neck, head and back to the rest of the body as well as play a major role in maintaining balance. It is also referred to as the broken neck. Cervical fracture is a serious injury and may lead to paralysis, death as well as loss of movement or sensation in any part of the body. Causes An automobile accident Sudden fall Direct blow or trauma to the head or neck Sports injury that involves a violent attack or combat Twisting of the neck Diving in a...

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Shoulder Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Shoulder Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

The shoulder joint is an important upper body joint comprising of the humerus (upper arm bone), scapula (shoulder blade) and the clavicle (shoulder blade). It is further divided into two main joints: Glenohumeral Joint- The upper part of the humerus is rounded and fits into the cavity of the scapula called glenoid, which forms the glenohumeral joint. Acromioclavicular Joint- This joint is located near the point where the clavicle comes in contact with the tip of the shoulder blade. Shoulder Arthritis can affect any one of the above mentioned joints and restrict the mobility of...

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Hip Labral Tear: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Hip Labral Tear: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

The Hip Labral Tear affects the cartilage ring that surrounds the outer ring of the hip joint. This ring is called labrum and it acts as a gasket to hold the ball of the thigh bone within the hip joint socket. The labrum helps to stabilize the hip joint besides protecting the joint surface. A labrum tear can result from an injury or due to inherent structural abnormalities. Most of the patients recover within a few weeks of conservative treatment but in case of a complete labral tear, surgery may be required. A Hip Labral Tear can weaken the joint, put stress on the...

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