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Drop Foot Treatment: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
Drop Foot, also referred to as the Peroneal Nerve Injury, is a neuromuscular disorder that affects a person’s ability to lift his/her foot at the ankle joint. The peroneal nerve branches out from the sciatic nerve (located in the lower back) and is responsible for providing sensation to the frontal and top part of the feet besides the sides of the legs. It stimulates the muscles in the legs which help in lifting the ankle and toes in upward direction. This nerve passes through the outer part of the legs and hencecan get easily injured. Drop Foot is considered to be a symptom...
Non-Surgical Back Pain Treatment
The spine consists of several vertebrae, discs, ligaments, tendons, tissues and nerves that provide structural support to the body as well as enable its flexible movement. Irritation or inflammation of any of these components may lead to back pain. The condition may affect people of all age groups and cause severe discomfort as well as obstruct participation in daily activities. Back pain is most commonly seen in cervical and lumbar spine. Though the condition can be caused due to a myriad of reasons, in most cases, the symptoms can be effectively relieved with non-surgical...
Communication, Positivity, Preventative Maintenance
Physical therapy is a crucial step in the treatment and recovery of a variety of diseases and medical procedures. It has roots going as far back as 460 BC, when it’s believed physicians like Hippocrates advocated massage and hydrotherapy treatments for their patients. In the eighteenth century, a breakthrough was introduced to the Orthopedic community when the Gymnasticon, similar to a stationary bicycle, was developed and paved the way for modern physical therapy treatments. It has grown leaps and bounds since the days of Hippocrates and the Gymnasticon, but the foundation of...
McKenzie Therapy: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment
McKenzie Therapy or MDT (Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy) is a specific type of physical therapy designed to treat acute lower back pain, peripheral joint pain or neck pain using self-care treatment strategy. In this therapy, the patient is trained by a physical therapist based on the principles of assessment, treatment and prevention to alleviate pain. Thus, the patient’s dependence on the therapists is reduced to a minimum as the latter is required only if the patient is not completely active. The McKenzie therapy does not make use of hot or cold therapy, needles, medicines...
Tips To Prevent Knee Pain And Injury
The knee joint is the meeting point of the thigh bone (femur) and the lower leg bone (tibia). It is supported by muscles, tendons, ligaments as well as disc-shaped menisci. Since it bears maximum body weight and is put to constant use, it is prone to injury as well as wear and tear. Knee injuries may vary from a fracture, tendon or ligament tear, bone displacement or sprains and strains. Causes Direct hit or trauma to the knee joint Sports injury Overuse of the joint A fall, jump or twist Arthritis or Osteoporosis Symptoms Pain which can be mild to severe. It may tend to...