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Common Sports Injuries

Common Sports Injuries

‘Sports injuries’ is an umbrella term used to collectively denote physical damage caused while playing a sport or during training sessions. Physical combat, inadequate warming and conditioning before as well as after an activity, use of faulty equipment or technique, wearing improper shoes or not using protective gear are the common causes of injuries. If the player is out of form, he may be at a higher risk of suffering an injury. Repetitive or excessive use of the joint may damage the tendons, ligaments or muscles and may also result in dislocation or breakage of bones....

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Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is the medical term for Arthritis of the neck. It is a degenerative disorder that affects the vertebrae and discs in the cervical spine. With age, the fluid between the vertebrae tend to dry up, which causes the discs to shrink and become stiff. This, in turn, exerts pressure on the entire spinal cord as the bones start rubbing against each other, leading to Cervical Spondylosis. The cartilage within the joints is also destroyed and the joint spaces are considerably reduced. The condition mainly affects the people between the ages group of 40-65 years....

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Golfer’s Elbow: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Golfer’s Elbow: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Golfer’s Elbow or Medial Epicondylitis is a medical condition that affects the muscles in the forearm that enable us to hold, twist the arm or grip onto things. It causes pain in the bony outgrowth or bump on the inner side of the elbow joint. Golfer’s Elbow can be categorically defined as a type of Elbow Tendinitis that occurs due to excessive use of the arm. People who are obese, more than 40 years of age or indulge in smoking are at a greater risk of developing the condition. Causes Repetitive arm movements while painting, raking, hammering etc. Sports injury, particularly...

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The Benefits Of Hand Therapy

The Benefits Of Hand Therapy

Hand therapy is a type of rehabilitation procedure performed by physical therapists to treat conditions of the hands, shoulder, arm, wrist and elbow joint. These parts of the upper body are collectively referred to as the upper extremities. The joints play a major role in almost all our daily activities and are, therefore, quite susceptible to injury. Hand therapy aims at restoring normal functioning and strength of these body parts. It is a non-operative process that makes use of specific instruments, exercises and manual manipulations to promote a faster recovery. The...

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Talus Fracture

Talus Fracture

Breaking of the ankle bone (talus) is medically termed as Talus Fracture. The talus connects the leg bone to the foot and lies just above the calcaneus. The subtalar joint formed by talus and the heel bone enables us to walk as well as maintain balance on uneven surfaces. The joint is lined by protective articular cartilage which prevents the bones from rubbing against each other. Talus fracture may occur either in the middle or outer portion of the bone. Such fractures are generally serious and can lead to considerable damage to the joint. If not treated timely, it may...

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Join us in welcoming Dr. Kshitij “KJ” Manchanda to the team!