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Proximal Humerus Fracture

Proximal Humerus Fracture

Proximal Humerus Fracture is a common type of injury of the shoulder joint that is prevalent in the elderly people. It is essentially a broken or cracked shoulder bone. This joint is made up of the shoulder blade (scapula), upper part of the humerus and the collar bone (clavicle). Tissues, ligaments, tendons keep the bones connected and help in movement of the arm. These bones together form 3 important joints- the sternoclavicular, the glenohumeral and the acromioclavicular joints. Proximal Humerus Fracture is a type of fracture that damages the upper part of the...

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Orthopedic Treatment For Lateral Epicondylitis

Orthopedic Treatment For Lateral Epicondylitis

Lateral Epicondylitis or "Tennis Elbow," is a condition that affects the elbow joint. This joint is made up of 3 bones- humerus, ulna and radius. There are some bony bumps at the base of the humerus (upper arm bone) which are called epicondyles. The bony bump that is found on the outer side of the elbow is the lateral epicondyle. These bones are held together by the muscles, tendons and ligaments. In case of Lateral Epicondylitis, the tendons of the forearm get swollen due to overuse and thus cannot lend support to the hands, wrist, elbow and upper arm. It is a painful...

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Tibial Plateau Fractures: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Tibial Plateau Fractures: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Tibial Plateau Fracture is a serious type of injury that is commonly observed in athletes. It refers to a crack or break in the upper portion of the tibia or the shin bone. This is also known as the proximal tibial fracture. Tibial plateau is the uppermost part of the bone that attaches to the knee joint. It has a honeycomb kind of shape and is relatively softer than the remaining shin bone. Such fractures may be accompanied by damage to the ligaments, muscles, blood vessels and nerves. These fractures can be categorized as follows: Displaced Fractures: The bone pieces are...

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Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy, also referred to as the Shoulder Tendonitis or the Impingement Syndrome, is a medical condition that causes the tendons and muscles supporting the shoulder joint to swell up. The shoulder joint is an example of a ball and socket joint that is supported by a set of muscles called the rotator cuff. These muscles prevent the ball of the humerus from slipping out of the glenoid cavity. Strong tendons made up of connective tissues also connect the muscles to the bones. These enable us to swing, lift or move our arms. Maximum movement of this joint occurs...

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Spondylosis: Orthopedic Treatment

Spondylosis: Orthopedic Treatment

Spondylosis or Osteoarthritis of spine refers to degeneration of the spine which can be physically limiting. It leads to pain in the neck, shoulder, arms and head. If the problem occurs in the neck, it is termed as Cervical Spondylosis, if it affects the lower back it is termed Lumbar Spondylosis and the Thoracic Spondylosis affects the middle portion of the back. The condition results from the wear and tear of the intervertebral discs and stress caused to the spinal nerves. Normal vertebrae have smooth margins but as we age, the cushioning effect of the cartilage tissue and...

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