The knee is one of the largest and the most used joint in the human body. It is a complex structure of bones and soft tissues that bears maximum body weight. It connects the tibia, femur and the shin bone with the patella lying in the front of the joint. Four main...
Fractures may result either from trauma or from stress. Traumatic fractures result from a single instance of injury or trauma which results in a fractured bone; stress fractures, on the other hand, stem from continued excessive stress over an extended period of time...
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a muscle related pain that occurs due to excessive exercising. Simultaneous contraction and lengthening of the muscles, in most cases, is the underlying cause of this condition. Running downhill, squatting, plyometric exercises...
Swimming may place severe stress on the shoulder and other parts of the body. Swimmer’s Shoulder, also known as the Impingement Syndrome, refers to a wide set of symptoms relating to traumatic injuries stemming from undue exertion over an extended period of time, i.e....
Compression of the nerves or blood vessels in the space that lies between the collar bone and the first rib is referred to as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS). A network of nerves known as the brachial plexus emerges from the spine and spreads out to the shoulder, neck,...