Hip Pain – Could it be a Labral Tear?

Hip Pain – Could it be a Labral Tear?

Historically, hip pain and pathology were often overlooked or misdiagnosed.  Pain originating from the hip joint is typically felt in the front of the hip and described to be in the groin area and may wrap toward the side of the hip. Sometimes people put their hand in...
Relieving Painful Arthritis with an Ankle Replacement

Relieving Painful Arthritis with an Ankle Replacement

Ankle arthritis is often caused by trauma to the ankle. That could be a previous fracture or ankle injury that occurred earlier in life. Degenerative changes, that happen as we age, rheumatoid arthritis, and congenital causes, a birth defect, can also contribute to ankle arthritis later in life.

Shoulder Pain From A Rotator Cuff Tear

Shoulder Pain From A Rotator Cuff Tear

When Shoulder Pain Strikes Shoulder pain is a common problem in many individuals over the age of 40. Often, but not always, this is due to a rotator cuff tendon problem. The rotator cuff tendons are a group of four tendons that attach to the side of the shoulder that...
Arthritis and instability of the kneecap

Arthritis and instability of the kneecap

The knee has three individual areas, called compartments, that can be impacted by arthritis or osteoarthritis. One of those areas is the knee cap. Known technically as patellofemoral arthritis, it occurs when the cartilage becomes worn away beneath the kneecap. This...

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