The radial nerve originates from the side of the neck and crosses through a tunnel, known as radial tunnel, which is formed by bone and muscles in the elbow, while passing down to the forearm. Radial Tunnel Syndrome, also known as Radial Nerve Entrapment, is a...
Custom splinting is a common procedure used in physical therapy for various orthopedic conditions of the upper extremities such as shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand. It involves the use of customized and specifically fabricated splints to restrict the movement of the...
Wrist pain can be caused due to an injury or damage to the tendons, ligaments and tissues connecting the different joint structures of the wrist. The condition can be due to a minor injury such as sprain, strain etc. or a chronic degenerative condition such as Wrist...
Physical therapy is a rehabilitative program incorporating a combination of targeted exercises and specialized equipment to help patients regain flexibility and motion following a surgery or injury. Physical therapy can significantly improve the patients overall...
Sports are a great way to maintain an active lifestyle and stay healthy. However if proper precautions and safety equipment is not used, sports can lead to various injuries. They are usually a result of overuse, not warming up or stretching before playing, improper...