Patellar Dislocation

Patellar Dislocation

The patella, commonly called the kneecap, is one of the main bones that make up the knee joint and is to the front of the joint. It is a triangular sesamoid bone (i.e. a bone embedded in a tendon) that sits in the patella-femoral groove which is a hollow or notch at...
Orthopedic Treatment For Olecranon Fracture

Orthopedic Treatment For Olecranon Fracture

The elbow is a crucial joint which works like a hinge. It allows the forearm to be stretched forward or bent up towards the shoulder. The joint is also responsible for rotation (necessary for moving the hand palm up or palm down) of the forearm. It is stabilized and...
Arthritis Of The Thumb: Orthopedic Treatment

Arthritis Of The Thumb: Orthopedic Treatment

Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder affecting the various joints in the body. Of the nearly hundred types of Arthritis, the most prevalent are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. The former is an autoimmune disorder and the joints usually affected are those of...
Post-Tib Tendonitis: Orthopedic Treatment

Post-Tib Tendonitis: Orthopedic Treatment

A tendon is a soft tissue structure that connects the muscles to the bones. The posterior tibial tendon is found on the inner side of the foot near the ankle and it connects the calf muscle to the ankle. It is a an important tendon in the leg as it supports the foot...

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